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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Annoying Teamates and Other Players in Multiplayer on COD Games

It happend to me once were some player followed me around shootin at the ground trying to show the other team where we were so as to get us killed. I'll admit it was super annoying and memory serves I left that lobby after the match. After that and watching a few hilarious videos on youtube over that very subject I made another PSN account (Uncle_Jericho for those who wish to know) and started to do this myself. It was extremely fun, no longer worrying about getting kills or being killed, I was surprised how fun it was to mess with people and listen to them complain and just sit back and laugh. I was also surprised at how many kills I still got while not even trying, I mean I didnt get a huge amount of kills or anything I was just surprised at well you can still do well getting players on your team killed. If you are stuck in a rut or just getting tired of the current COD game ( even works with Battlefield by the way) I strongly suggest making another account and trying this out for your self, It is an awesome change of pace.

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