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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ghost Recon

As far as I'm concerned so far Tom Clancy has yet to make a great game for present consoles (PS# and Xbox 360). Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1 back on PS2 is my favorite game from Clancy and had high hopes for the 2nd but was utterly disapointed when you had to either play in 3rd person or play in 1st person but not be able to see your weapon. Ghost Recon Future Soldier is starting to look extremely promising but I think I'll rent it before buying it. I truly hope they improved greatly on this title because I would love to play an awesome Clancy game again. One game that was made by Clancy that I think was an utter waste of time was End War. It's a great game for those who like strategy games like Risk but it is not a FPS and I do not recomend it to any one who prefers FPS.

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